
Wigs by BrittneyShaquor
$250.00 - $500.00



Get your bundles washed, deep conditions, constructed, and styled into a bomb unit. Stock up for the next few months when you order more.

This deal is C R A Z Y good. You can’t go wrong. Because who doesn’t want to have options when it’s time to get up and go.

Wig pricing for units up to 3 bundles ONLY. Additional bundles are $15/bundle. (An extra invoice will be sent for additional bundles as client sends hair for construction).

⚪️ Machine Sewn
⚪️ Custom Fit
⚪️ Combs and Elastic Band included
⚪️ Wash Care tips included in packaging

BE SURE TO FILL OUT THE WIG ORDER FORM that can be found in the menu.

See what you save for your custom units in the image.

Use your package up by 06/2023.

Non-refundable payment (We strive to ensure quality construction and fix any issues that you report. Report within 21 days of receipt)

10+ years making custom units and they’ve only gotten better with time.